Ethical code

The members of ROCCA GROUP have considered it of fundamental importance to clearly define the values ​​and principles that guide the Company's action, both within its own structure and in the context of operations coordinated to the outside.

This was done in order to effectively guarantee third parties that all company activities are conducted in full compliance with the reference standards: rules that are always applicable in a context of fair competition, honesty, integrity, fairness and good faith and in respect of the legitimate interests of all stakeholders with whom ROCCA GROUP enters into a relationship on a daily basis.

Employees, suppliers, customers, commercial and financial partners, local communities and institutions in the countries where ROCCA GROUP operates are included in this context.

Our values ​​


  • We realize our goals with fairness , honesty, and responsibility, in full and substantial compliance with the rules and trust in the agreements signed between the parties .
  • Our commitment to professional ethics has been formalized with acceptance by all the members of the group . a deontological code.


  • We want transparency to be the principle behind all our actions, codifying precise rules and processes defined with the management method in which all decisions are addressed publicly.
  • We want all documents, arguments for and against a proposal, decisions about the decision-making process itself and all final decisions to be made public to the parties
  • We want clarity to be the basis of our communication method and our contracts to allow all parts of the negotiation process to make choices with full respect for awareness and total autonomy, but with the fundamental guarantee that we are able to offer.

Value of people

  • We have sought the right combination of experience in the field of liberal professions and real estate brokerage , in order to optimize the value of the skills offered to our customers.
  • We want to ensure high added value to our customers by selecting partners with high skills and communication skills .


  • We focus our work organization on a team of professionals to share individual skills and individual goals to maximize and enhance the assets and objectives of our customers.
  • With the aim of aligning and coordinating the activities developed by our collaborators and external partners, also thanks to the circularity of real estate opportunities we are in charge of.


The values ​​that we store and promote are expressed and specified in the Group Ethics Code , which fully incorporates the best evolution of the general regulatory framework, which affects our action and develops the issues related to human rights, social development and sustainability of the projects involved in our actions.

Which also guarantees full compliance with international best practices and updates the references in relation to the evolution of the organizational structure of the communities with which the group interacts.

In this regard, it is also very important to underline that it is a precise expressed commitment of all those who work for ROCCA GROUP, starting from the corporate bodies and management, to observe and enforce all the aforementioned principles within their own functions and responsibility.

In other words, the premise of acting to the advantage of ROCCA GROUP can in no way justify the adoption of behaviors even only partially in contrast with the aforementioned principles. The Code of Ethics applies to all Group companies.